Tuesday, December 20, 2022


 THURSDAY, 8/12/2022 

On Thursday, 8/12/2022. I and my FYP partner we meet our supervisor. at that time, we have shown our supervisor about our progress for the project. our supervisor asks us to prepare a banner for our FYP presentation because our presentation will be offline. 


SATURDAY, 10/12/2022

On Saturday, 10/12/2022. I and my FYP partner continue doing our report and we also try to find a shop that can build a banner with the affordable price.

Then we found one of this shop that charge us only RM 30 ringgit for the banner and we proceed with the shop. 

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  In week 14 which is from 9/1/2023 until 13/1/2023. I just do a report and write my activities at my blog for my FYP logbook.    In this we...