Thursday, January 12, 2023



In week 14 which is from 9/1/2023 until 13/1/2023. I just do a report and write my activities at my blog for my FYP logbook.   

In this week also is a week that I have to submit my draft report to my supervisor Madam Zarina, for her to check my report so that I can change for anything that is not satisfied. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


TUESDAY, 3/1/2023

On Tuesday, 3/1/2023. it was a day before our FYP presentation day. basically, it was a busy day because on that day I have to make sure my project can work and my banner for the presentation is done by that day. and also, I have to prepare my outfit for the presentation day to make me look good to present Infront of our assessor. 


WEDNESDAY, 4/1/2023

ITS A PRESENTATION DAY!!!!!! I am so nervous I workup so early than other day, to prepare all the things that we should bring to the "DEWAN GEMILANG" for our presentation. 

Alhamdulillah me and my FYP partner we both has done our presentation and everything when well. after all of the FYP student done doing their presentation we all take a lot of pictures for the memory.


Saturday, December 31, 2022


 WEDNESDAY, 28/12/2022 

On Wednesday, 28/12/2022. we as a Final Year Student have to attend Workshop 6. In this workshop our lecturer talks about claim and Documentation:

  • Documentation for claim. 
  • Progress Report, proposal Report etc.
  • How to upload related Documents. 
  • second online industrial discussion


THURSDAY, 29/12/2022

On Thursday, 29/12/2022. Me and my FYP partner we still continue doing our report on the chapter 4. and also, we have done our banner for our presentation on week 13.


SUNDAY, 1/1/2023

Its, NEW YEAR!!!!!!! even though its new year me still ongoing doing my report because its only three days left before our FYP presentation will start.

Friday, December 23, 2022


 MONDAY, 19/12/2022 UNTIL SATURDAY, 24/12/2022

Throughout this week I continue finish my Final Year report and presentation slid, because we only have another two weeks to submit all our progress and our Final Year presentation.  

This week also I have so many labs test that I need to submit. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 MONDAY, 12/12/2022 UNTIL 17/12/2022

On that period time me and my FYP partner just continue doing our progress on our FYP project.

the thinks that we do is:

  • Report 
  • slide presentation
  • hardware project
  • design banner 

On this week it was a very hectic week for us because on this week we have so much quiz, test and Lab.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


 THURSDAY, 8/12/2022 

On Thursday, 8/12/2022. I and my FYP partner we meet our supervisor. at that time, we have shown our supervisor about our progress for the project. our supervisor asks us to prepare a banner for our FYP presentation because our presentation will be offline. 


SATURDAY, 10/12/2022

On Saturday, 10/12/2022. I and my FYP partner continue doing our report and we also try to find a shop that can build a banner with the affordable price.

Then we found one of this shop that charge us only RM 30 ringgit for the banner and we proceed with the shop. 


 WEDNESDAY, 30/11/2022

On Wednesday, 30/11/2022. All final year student we have our Workshop class via online at MS Teams. on that workshop our lecturer has given us a talk about our presentation. On this workshop our lecturer go detail about our preparation on presentation slide and document, and also, he gives us a tips and tricks of presentation.


FRIDAY, 2/12/2022

On Friday, 2/12/2022. I and my FYP partner we meet our supervisor, and we explain about our progress on our circuit for this cloth line project. also, we did ask about our report because we still have something that we don't understand how to do.    


  In week 14 which is from 9/1/2023 until 13/1/2023. I just do a report and write my activities at my blog for my FYP logbook.    In this we...