Saturday, December 31, 2022


 WEDNESDAY, 28/12/2022 

On Wednesday, 28/12/2022. we as a Final Year Student have to attend Workshop 6. In this workshop our lecturer talks about claim and Documentation:

  • Documentation for claim. 
  • Progress Report, proposal Report etc.
  • How to upload related Documents. 
  • second online industrial discussion


THURSDAY, 29/12/2022

On Thursday, 29/12/2022. Me and my FYP partner we still continue doing our report on the chapter 4. and also, we have done our banner for our presentation on week 13.


SUNDAY, 1/1/2023

Its, NEW YEAR!!!!!!! even though its new year me still ongoing doing my report because its only three days left before our FYP presentation will start.

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  In week 14 which is from 9/1/2023 until 13/1/2023. I just do a report and write my activities at my blog for my FYP logbook.    In this we...